12 Signs That Your Best Friend May Actually Be Your Guardian Angel

There’s a reason best friends are so close to us, a reason that they seem godsend and a reason that they feel like the people you are most comfortable with. They may be angels in disguise, here on Earth to look over you. Now, you may not believe in those kinds of things but more […]

There’s a reason best friends are so close to us, a reason that they seem godsend and a reason that they feel like the people you are most comfortable with. They may be angels in disguise, here on Earth to look over you.

Now, you may not believe in those kinds of things but more often than not, best friends have found ways of showing us that they may really be our protectors and for that, we believe that these 12 signs reflect that it may really be true.

#12 They don’t judge you, they get you

Who are you when no one’s watching? Chances are that you are the same person when your best friend is watching. No one encourages your inner self to come out than a best friend, you can be you and without hesitation in the company of your best friend. You feel safe doing so as you know that they aren’t judging you. They get you. Don’t angels do the same?

#11 They are always protective, even if they don’t show it

There are very few people in our lives who can be fiercely protective of us than our best friends. And the best part is they can be protective without being possessive. Sometimes, they may not even tell you the things they have done for you and while they may not show that they care, you know that they do, and deeply. A protector who doesn’t possess sounds like an angel to us.

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#10 They are your best advisers

When you find yourself in times of trouble, who do you look for? Well, your best friend. You know that they have your best interest at heart and thus, you inevitably seek their counsel for help. They may be as crazy and weird as you but when you come to them for help, they act like the wisest souls, dispensing wisdom at the drop of a hat. Wouldn’t an angel do the same?

#9 Your trust in them is unwavering

If there’s one person you could trust with your life, it would have to be your best friend, right? You may not able to explain it but there’s something about best friends that inspires confidence and trust. And with time you start realizing the fact that they are actually one of the most trustworthy people in your life. Would you not show the same amount of trust if your guardian angel presented themselves in front of you?



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