15 Signs That Show Your Spiritual Being is Dead or Dieing

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” – Janet Fitch Little pieces of our souls get chipped away the more we ignore or go against our gut instincts and desires. The more we try to appease others instead of following our hearts, the more of our soul we lose. Soul deaths happen anytime we go through […]

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” – Janet Fitch

Little pieces of our souls get chipped away the more we ignore or go against our gut instincts and desires. The more we try to appease others instead of following our hearts, the more of our soul we lose. Soul deaths happen anytime we go through a traumatic event or lose sight of our true selves. Fortunately, many people have begun to awaken to the soul within, and have started to go through a “soul rebirth.”

Throughout life, our true spirit becomes muddled under the weight of responsibility, stress, circumstance, loss, grief, and all the other things we go through as humans. The years spent on this planet enduring hardship after hardship take their toll on the spirit within, which causes our souls to become fragmented and lost.

However, we can gain back our souls through following our hearts, rejecting all that doesn’t align with us, and treating ourselves with compassion and love. If you feel a little lost in life lately, and feel that your soul is trying to send you a message, read on to find out if you’re going through a soul death and rebirth.


1. You can’t remember certain parts of your early life.

Maybe you have blocked out certain memories in order to protect your soul from pain or grief. Maybe you went through traumatic experiences that your brain has chosen to forget so that you can move on. However, truly moving on might mean revisiting these old memories and coming to terms with them.

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Visit a psychologist or therapist if you need help getting over painful memories or even remembering parts of your past. If this sounds like you, you might be experiencing a soul death.

2. You deal with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.

Of course, mental health is a complex issue, but experiencing periods of anxiety or depression could mean that your soul is going through a rebirthing process. You’re trying to shed your old skin and fully come to terms with your new self. This process doesn’t happen overnight, and it certainly can produce uncomfortable feelings.

3. You don’t feel “whole.”

Parts of yourself feel incomplete or broken, as if you can’t fully see the world around you. Your view of the world and yourself is fragmented, and you feel that parts of your soul are scattered in places that you haven’t yet found. If you feel that parts of yourself are missing, you might be going through a soul death.



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