These are the 21 Saints Every Catholic Should be Praying With Right Now!

The Communion of Saints is such a robust teaching that it can be overpowering. Worse, we can fall into complacency and miss the prompts God is always sending us. God sanctifies time and place especially through the Sacraments, prayer, and the intercession of the Saints. What happens when several of these line up? You have […]

The Communion of Saints is such a robust teaching that it can be overpowering. Worse, we can fall into complacency and miss the prompts God is always sending us.

God sanctifies time and place especially through the Sacraments, prayer, and the intercession of the Saints. What happens when several of these line up? You have an outpouring of grace that can work wonders.

Are you ready to do a little digging to find the Saints who’ve been part of your spiritual life for years—even decades?

Two caveats. First, every Catholic should be praying with Mary, Queen of the Saints. Second, it is perfectly acceptable to pray with those on the path to Sainthood: those who are Blessed, Venerable, or Servant of God.

1. The Saint of the day

For those who work in the world especially, it can be easy to overlook the Saint of the day. You may not even hear about the Saint at Mass if it’s a minor celebration like an optional memorial. A full-bore “daily Saints” calendar can be helpful, as long as you look at it daily—as can apps like Laudate and Catholic Calendar. Even a brief prayer with the Saint of the day, every day, calls on one of God’s most straightforward means of sanctification of time and place.

2. The Saint of your baptism

Hopefully, you’re already celebrating the anniversary of your baptism. Who was the Saint of the day that day? That Saint was celebrating your entrance into God’s family long before you were. The unfolding of your baptismal graces happens throughout your lifetime. This Saint, in other words, can be a lifelong friend and guide.


3. Your confirmation Saint

You likely chose this Saint yourself. How’s your devotion to that Saint going? Saying “yes” to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit is a daily act, and your confirmation Saint can be a strong helper.

4. Your namesake Saint

Someone likely chose your first name for you. If it’s a Saint’s name, you’ve got a constant reminder of that Saint’s patronage—a great person to pray with.

5. Your other middle namesake Saint

You probably have a middle name, not your confirmation name, that someone chose for you. What’s the story behind that name? If it’s a Saint, does that Saint’s example bring out another aspect of holiness to reflect and act on?

6. Your birthday Saint

Imagine being a Saint and observing all the babies born on your feast day. Wouldn’t you have a special attachment to those children? Going to Mass on your birthday is a good way to foster a devotion to your birthday Saint.



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