These are the 21 Saints Every Catholic Should be Praying With Right Now!

7. The Saint of your first confession He or she probably helped you make a good first confession. And this Saint can continue to be a special helper in receiving God’s mercy. 8. The Saint of your first communion This Saint rejoiced to see you receive the greatest gift: Christ Himself. Just like parents and […]

7. The Saint of your first confession

He or she probably helped you make a good first confession. And this Saint can continue to be a special helper in receiving God’s mercy.

8. The Saint of your first communion

This Saint rejoiced to see you receive the greatest gift: Christ Himself. Just like parents and sponsors celebrate their children’s first communion, so do the Saints who watch as their spiritual children receive the Eucharist on their feast day. A good person to pray with before receiving communion, or at Adoration.

9. A Saint of your career in general

If you’re a writer, St. Francis de Sales should be someone you pray with. Good ol’ St. Florian for the firefighters, and St. Matthew if you’re an accountant. As many of us struggle with keeping work in its proper place—not too much, not too little—the patron Saint of our work can be a big john baptist

10. A Saint of your specific workplace

If there’s a Saint associated with your specific workplace—like the Augustine Institute—call on that Saint! You have quite a few options if your place is associated with an order, like a Jesuit college; your particular building may even be named after a Saint.

11. A Saint of your diocese or region

Catholic dioceses are rightfully thankful for their patrons. Cardinal Raymond Burke would often invoke Saint Louis, King of France, when he was archbishop of St. Louis. To the northwest you have St. Charles, Missouri, where just as many people pray with St. Charles Borromeo as with St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, the great missionary who established her first of many schools there. The Saints of your diocese or region have been entrusted with a great mission; all the better to call on them.

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12. A Saint of your vocation

Priests and religious have many options to choose from, and often there is a particular Saint that helped lead them to their vocation. Married laymen can look to St. Louis Martin and St. Thomas More. A married woman might find Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur inspiring. The important thing here is to pray with a Saint specifically keyed to how you live your vocation.



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