Another Powerful Prayer for Anyone In Stress and Needs Peace

If you have anxiety, try reciting these prayers to leave your mind calm No matter how your life is, we all need to breathe deeply and try to remember that there are things in life that we can not control. It is better to concentrate on what we can control: like inner peace. By working […]

If you have anxiety, try reciting these prayers to leave your mind calm

No matter how your life is, we all need to breathe deeply and try to remember that there are things in life that we can not control. It is better to concentrate on what we can control: like inner peace. By working on the characteristics of our own hearts and minds, we will be better able to help ourselves, our family and our friends.

Many people believe that prayer is an effective way to do it. Prayer and meditation can be good for your health, especially when it comes to lowering blood pressure. Being physically well can provide some peace in a difficult time. So, concentrate and pray.

Here are five prayers that can reduce your stress and that we hope will bring you some of the peace you are looking for.

Prayer of Peace of San Francisco

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, I put love,
where there is an offense, I apologize,
Where there is discord, put me together,
where there is error, put me right,
where there is doubt, I put the faith,
Where there is despair, let me hope,

Where there is darkness, let me put light,
where there is sadness, I put joy.
Oh Master, do not look for me so much
be comforted as comforting,
be understood as understanding,
be loved as love
Because giving is received,
forgetting is found,
Forgiving is forgiven,
and dying is resurrected to eternal life .

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Prayer to overcome the difficulties of life

Oh Lord, we invoke you in this time of suffering,
give us the strength and the will to carry our heavy burdens ,

until we can feel the warmth and love of
your divine compassion again. Look at us and have mercy
on us who struggle to understand the difficulties of life.

Keep us always with you, until we can walk again with
hearts of light and renewed spirit.

Prayer for peace of mind

Almighty God, we thank you for our lives, for your great mercy and the grace we receive. We thank you for your fidelity, although we have not been faithful to you. Lord Jesus, we ask you to give all possible peace to our mind, body, soul and spirit. We want you to heal and take away everything that is causing stress, pain and sadness in our lives.

Please guide our way through life and let our enemies be at peace with each other. May your reign of peace come to our family, to our place of work and to everything in our hands.

May your angels of peace go ahead of us when we leave and remain by our side when we return.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Psalm 31,1-6

I take refuge in you, Lord, may
I never be disappointed!
Deliver me, for your justice;
lean your ear towards me
and come quickly to help me.

I know for myself a protective rock,
a bastion where I am safe,
because you are my Rock and my bulwark:
for your Name, lead me and lead me.
Get me out of the network that they have laid for me,
because you are my refuge.
I put my life in your hands:
you will rescue me, Lord, faithful God.

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Psalm 121

I raise my eyes to the mountains:
where will the help come from?
Help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip:
your guardian does not sleep!
No, he does not sleep nor doze the
guardian of Israel.

The Lord is your guardian, it
is the protective shade to your right:
by day, the sun will not harm you,
nor the moon at night.
The Lord will protect you from all evil
and will take care of your life.
He will protect you in the game and the return,
now and forever.



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