Who can worthily be present at this Sacrifice, unless Thou, O God, makest him worthy? I know, O Lord, yea, truly do I know, and this do confess to Thy...
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Priest Sees Bishops And Priests In Heaven And Hell After A Near Death Experience One Priest’s Sobering Account Of The Afterlife! Fr. Jose Maniyangat For your...
Ask Mary for Everything from her Divine Son and the Holy Spirit. She will open the flood gates of graces and gifts into your soul. Do you look around and wonder at those...
PROVIDED IT IS SAID IN FAITH AND FOR A PARTICULAR SPIRITUAL BENEFIT St. Anthony of Padua is known by many as a miracle-worker. A countless number of people over the...
The Mass and the reception of the Eucharist is the centrepiece of the Christian life. So we better take it seriously! Unfortunately, whether it’s out of ignorance or...
The Sign of the CrossCrucifixion, by Nicolas Tournier, 1635 “Let us not then be ashamed to confess the Crucified. Be the Cross our seal made with boldness by our fingers...
25 Secrets of spiritual struggle that Jesus revealed to St. FaustinaIn Cracow-Pradnik, June 2, 1938, the Lord Jesus directed a young Polish Sister of Mercy on a three...
Our Lady is especially honored on April 26 for her ability to counsel us in difficulties.There are constantly situations in life that need discernment. What job...
HOLY WATER “From long experience I have learned that there is nothing like Holy Water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again. They also flee...
The existence of Purgatory has been a much debated topic between Catholics and Protestants for years. Many Protestants argue that the Catholic Church simply created...