The Three Most Effective Hail Mary Novena

There is a centuries-old tradition in the Catholic Church of praying three Hail Marys every day in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to request her assistance throughout the course of our daily life.

As weak and sinful creatures, we so often struggle to persevere in doing good. We also have many needs and face countless trials. By calling on Our Lady’s help in this simple way each day, she will help us conquer our obstacles and increase our purity of heart. 

This devout practice originated in the Church around same time period as the Holy Rosary in the High Middle Ages, and has been recommended as a devout practice by many saints including St. Anthony of Padua, St. Mechtilde, and St. Alphonus Liguori. 

The Three Hail Mary Novena is a very beautiful prayer recited in honor of three of Mary’s special gifts given to her by God: her power, wisdom, and mercy. Each of these gifts are associated with the Blessed Trinity, to whom she is perfectly united in heaven: the power of God the Father, the wisdom of God the Son, and the tender mercy of God the Holy Spirit. 

In this novena we ask Our Lady to use these gifts on our behalf to obtain our petitions from God, and most importantly, to help us lead a holier life. The words of this prayer are very powerful and will undoubtedly bring about noticeable changes in your life. 

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Pray this Three Hail Mary Novena faithfully and sincerely every day as a perpetual novena, and you will receive a shower of special graces from the loving heart of our Blessed Mother. It can be recited in the morning upon waking, in the evening before sleeping, or both! 


— In Honor of Our Lady’s Power —

Oh, Immaculate Mary, Virgin most powerful, I beseech thee, through that immense power which thou hast received from the Eternal Father, obtain for me purity of heart, strength to overcome all the enemies of my soul, and the special favor I implore in my present necessity.

[Name your prayer intention]

Mother most pure! Forsake me not, despise not my prayer, graciously hear me for God’s glory, thy honor, and the welfare of my soul.

To obtain this favor I honor thy power by reciting:

Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death.  Amen.