Dear Lord, Help me to draw closer to You.
Help me to trust in You and to not walk by sight,
but by faith, knowing that You are supreme and I am Your child.
Lord, help me to walk in Jesus’ light and show Your love to all the people
You put into my life. In Jesus’ name.
Almighty Arms of Jesus before you, I with all my faith beg you for comfort. ln my difficult situation do not forsake me Good Jesus. Open your doors in my way that your Almighty Arms will open and close as you desire to give that tranquility that I so desire.
(Make your Petitions)
0 my God, receive that supplication from a wounded heart that is always fighting for me.With your divine power never let me scramble for want of help. Almighty Jesus assist me to find a shelter in your celestial country forever,
(This is a very powerful prayer that when said with sincere faith from the heart will be answered. Make sure to pass on this prayer to all people who need it in their times of difficulties. Don’t forget the thanksgiving for all prayers answered!)
Prayers In Times of Financial Difficulties
Dear Lord,
Help me find firm ground in this shaky economy.
As I seek work and assistance,
Give me strength not to be anxious when I seem to be going nowhere;
Give me patience not to despair when things look bleak;
Give me the serenity to know you are here with me, helping me to carry my crosses each day;
So that I may do Your will,
For the salvation of souls
And my Eternal Life.