Your Guardian Angel Has Good News for You When You See These Signs

4. Babies and Pets If you notice a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, it means that the guardian angel is present. When an angel is present, babies and pets seem to be at ease. 5. Music If you hear angelic singing or a nice sound that you […]

4. Babies and Pets

Image result for Babies and Pets

If you notice a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, it means that the guardian angel is present. When an angel is present, babies and pets seem to be at ease.

5. Music

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If you hear angelic singing or a nice sound that you cannot explain, it may be a clear sign from your angel.

6. Coins

Image result for Coins

If you keep on finding coins, it is a sign for your angel and a symbol of support. So, if you find coins, you should know that you’re loved, supported and guided.

7. Sparkles of Light

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If you start noticing orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color, it means that your guardian angel is near. If you experience this, you should close your eyes, relax, and breathe because your angel is trying to bring you healing, upliftment, and rejuvenation.



YOU MAY ALSO LIKE  How to Listen to Your Guardian Angel by St. Padre Pio


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  • when i’m reading the messages, passages from your page, i always feel the love and embrace of God and the Angels guiding me. and. i’m sure that my husband passed away last. aug. 6 now is in the house of God. Thank you for the inspiring words. God bless you.

  • I keep seeing these same numbers at least 15 times in 4 consecutive weeks 11:11. I’m wondering what it means ?