Here Are 5 Ways To Call On The Great Archangels In Times Of Need


Surrender is powerful. This is not the waving the white flag, giving up scenario we might think of when we hear that word. Surrender is faith; it is saying that you have faith in your higher self and your Angels (plus God or the Universe; whatever energy resonates for you) to work together for the best possible outcome; free of expectations and limitations.

This intention is awesome when you need help with communicating (even in situations of conflict), presenting, performing or any time nerves have you feeling out of sorts. The Angels can align you with your higher self for peace, help you recall the information you need and help you communicate so the interaction is successful, pleasant and for your highest good.

I use this technique before every single Angel Reading I do, my Facebook Live Angel Readings and whenever I am teaching a seminar (webinar) or presenting at a live event. It works like a charm, keeps me calm and has never failed to help me be successful. Here’s a sample phrase you can customize to meet your needs:

“Angels, Archangel Gabriel (who helps with communication) and Archangel Uriel (who helps us recall information) I completely surrender to you. Please connect me with my higher self and guide my speech words, and actions so the _______________________ interaction is a harmonious success for my highest good. Please help me remember what I need to say at the moments I need to say it. Please help connect everyone involved to their higher selves so that we all benefit positively from this experience. Thank you”

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Angels and Archangels are Divine spiritual beings of love and light; they really do not care about being named. All you really need to do to ask for help is, ASK! That being said, humans seem to love names and specificity, and the angels know it helps make us more faithful.

That is why there are names for our Guardian Angels and Archangels (along with specific purposes for Archangels); it helps humans create a stronger connection. You never need to name an Angel when asking for help, it will be up to you; do what feels for you, always.

Here is some information about which angels to call on for help:

Guardian Angels: Our Guardian Angels are all-purpose helpers and can give us guidance, healing, and support for anything we need; just ask. We each have a Primary Guardian Angel that is with us for our entire lifetime; more Angels may come and go as needed, depending what is happening in our lives, and you can always ask for more Angels to be around you for help and support.

You can ask your Primary Guardian Angel (and any others) for their name and they will bring you the information intuitively. The names are often very unique and will come to you, after asking, in the form of Angel Signs; so pay attention to names you hear or see repetitively after asking for the information. Once you know the name, you can use it for communication; or not, it’s up to you.