Do You Know This Powerful Novena To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Make your request and trust in the loving heart of Jesus First day Preparatory Prayer: Oh! Loving heart of Jesus, Most pure and most holy Heart, all full of love, Heart that reigns all perfections and virtues, you deserve the love of all hearts. I have destroyed in my heart all the affections that keep […]

Make your request and trust in the loving heart of Jesus

First day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Loving heart of Jesus, Most pure and most holy Heart, all full of love, Heart that reigns all perfections and virtues, you deserve the love of all hearts.

I have destroyed in my heart all the affections that keep you from being all yours.

I love you, oh! My Jesus, and I do not want to love but you.


The Heart of Jesus, temple of the Holy Trinity.

One act of adoration and love, or any other virtue, that came forth from the Heart of Christ, through his mission the person of the Divine Word, was infinitely more valuable to God than the acts of all the people of this world, more holy.

We too must be living temples of God by grace: let us ask the Sacred Heart to make our hearts like his.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen!

Second day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Heart of Jesus, Heart inflamed with love for men, why do they correspond so poorly and only with contempt do they treat you?

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And I was also the number of those ungrateful ones who do not know how to love.

Do not allow that, for the future, live still forgotten of your love.


The Heart of Jesus, maker of the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is the greatest gift of the Heart of Christ.

Source and crown of the whole life of the Church, the Eucharist-Sacrifice of the Mass renews at the altar the Work of Redemption, the Eucharist-Sacrament is life, Eucharist-real presence is the living love of Christ in our journey to the Father.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Heart of Jesus, desirous of being loved, Heart that you find your delight in being loved by men, I deserved, by my sins, to be deprived of your grace, but I see that you still continue to ask for my love.

Make me love you a sinner who has offended you greatly.

The Heart of Christ, bramble of piercing thorns.

The whole life of Christ until his glorious Resurrection was cross and martyrdom, because from the first moment Christ accepted the price of the Redemption marked by the Father, marked in his salvific plan.

The vision of his redemptive sufferings was so vivid that in the Garden of Olives he made him sweat blood.

May we transform our sufferings into a proof of love.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fourth day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Jesus’ heart afflicted, I hate what you dislike.

Give me such horror of sin that I am afraid even of the slightest faults, only because they displease you that you are worthy of infinite love.

Grant me grace, my loving Savior, to always address you with this plea: Oh! my Jesus, give me your love.


The Heart of Jesus, fiery furnace of charity.

So we invoke Him in the Litany of the Sacred Heart.

Only God can measure the love of Christ to the Father and to men.

He demonstrated it by faithfully fulfilling the will of the Father and giving himself entirely for the salvation of men.

How do we seek to imitate this love and to respond to it in our daily lives?


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

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By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fifth day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Merciful Heart of Jesus, when I was in misfortune, your goodness enlightened me and offered me forgiveness, grant me the grace to mourn my sins and to desire your love.

Do not, O my Jesus, let me have pity on me.

The mercy that I ask of you is to communicate light and strength so that you may never be ungrateful again.


The Heart of Jesus, heaven of heavenly delights.

The Heart of Christ is an ocean where all the rivers of the Father’s charity flow, and from which flow all rivers of graces that sanctify souls, because in it all the riches of divine love are enclosed.

These infinite treasures of love and life are always at our disposal.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair. By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.



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