These Are the Last 7 Most Powerful Words Of Jesus Christ

5. A Word of Passion ‘I Thirst’ John 19:28 Here At the cross hanging on the brink of death, we hear the source of “Living Water” cry “I thirst.” Having experienced an intense level of pain prior to His crucifixion, the Man of Sorrows must now endure a greater agony on the Tree of Death. […]

5. A Word of Passion

‘I Thirst’ John 19:28

Here At the cross hanging on the brink of death, we hear the source of “Living Water” cry “I thirst.” Having experienced an intense level of pain prior to His crucifixion, the Man of Sorrows must now endure a greater agony on the Tree of Death. It was a physical pain so notorious that the word “excruciating” is derived from the Latin word “crucis,” meaning “cross” or “crosslike.”

Yet the briefest of the seven Cross statements, uttered in these two words, “I thirst,” was the only statement where Jesus refers to His discomfort. This most fascinating little statement summarizes much of what’s commonly referred to as the “Passion of the Christ.” Give thanks to Jesus today for the ‘thirst’ He experienced so that we could be satisfied & never thirst again!

6. A Word of Perfection

‘It is Finished’ John 19:30

Here Jesus proclaims victory over sin and death! He hung on the tree of death so we can eat of the tree of life. ‘The veil is torn, New life is born and man has been set free. Now life is here and hope is real because of that rugged tree.’ Even with all of our moral efforts and good deeds, it is impossible to surpass the perfect work of Christ on the Cross.

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Yet in the name of religion mankind tries to earn the favor of God that could only be earned by the “finished” work of Christ. Jesus paid it all! Will you bow your heart to Him and, by faith, trust His finished work of salvation? Let His finished work be your new beginning!



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