This alignment of the images is often found. But what is due? When we enter a Catholic church, we often see an image of Our Lady on the left side of the altar and...
Pray earlier this month, preferably with your family and friends. We wanted to share with all our readers a prayer in which we would offer the new month to God through...
This prayer is written by St. Maximilian Kolbe, who gave his life to save a family father in the Auschwitz concentration camp Immaculate, queen of heaven and earth...
The children had a horrible vision, but it was also showing them the way to heaven. When the Virgin appeared to the three little shepherds at Fatima in 1917, she allowed...
The 12th-century prayer has been connected to numerous miracles throughout the centuries. One of the most widely known Catholic prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary...
The liturgical custom is one of the oldest, dating back to the 4th century. Before celebrating every Mass the priest (and deacon) approach the altar and kiss it. To some...
When life on this earth seems overwhelming, support from heaven is waiting to come. No matter how mindful we are of our blessings, some stages of life — or simply, some...
A Christian judge imposes an exemplary sentence and the whole country applauds. Last week, three young Lebanese confessed to the Sunni Muslim faith entered a church in...
PRAYERS FOR DEPRESSION Depression is a physical, mental and spiritual condition. It is characterized by the consistent feeling of hopelessness and joylessness. It can...
Now 83, she has never revealed who the father of her son is Yes, this is a true, documented and proven story. In 1938, little Lina Medina was five years old when her...