Pope Francis’s Powerful Prayer at the Site of the Fatima Apparitions

The Pope will pray to the Virgin Mary to ‘help us follow the example of Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta’

The Catholic News Service has produced an English translation of the prayer Pope Francis has written and will recite at the Little Chapel of the Apparitions in Fatima on May 12.

Pope Francis:
Hail Queen,
Blessed Virgin of Fatima,
lady of the Immaculate Heart,
refuge and path that leads to God!
Pilgrim of the Light that radiates from your hands,

I give thanks to God the Father who,
at all times and in all places,
acts within human history;
pilgrim of the peace that you announce in this place,
I praise Christ, our peace,
and I pray for harmony
among all peoples in this world;
pilgrim of the hope that the Spirit encourages,
I want to be a prophet and messenger to wash the feet of all,
at the same table that unites us.

Hail o clement, hail o loving! Hail Queen of the Rosary of Fatima. Hail o clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.

Pope Francis:
Hail Mother of Mercy,
lady dressed in white!
In this place where, 100 years ago,
you showed us all
the plans of mercy of our God,
I look at your garment of light
and, as a bishop dressed in white,
I remember all those who,
dressed in their white baptismal robes,
want to live in God
and pray the mysteries of Christ
to achieve peace.

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Hail o clement, hail o loving! Hail Queen of the Rosary of Fatima. Hail o clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.

Pope Francis:
Hail, our life and sweetness,
Hail, our hope,
o pilgrim Virgin, o universal Queen!
From the depths of your being,
in your immaculate heart,
you see the joys of human beings
when they journey toward the heavenly homeland.
From the depths of your being,
in your immaculate heart,
you see the sorrow of the human family
that mourns and weeps in this valley of tears.
From the depths of your being,
in your immaculate heart,
adorn us with the radiance
of all the jewels in your crown and make us pilgrims as you were a pilgrim.
With your virginal smile,
strengthen the joy of Christ’s church.
With your sweet gaze,
strengthen the hope of God’s children.
With your prayerful hands that you raise to the Lord,
unite us all into one human family.

Hail o clement, hail o loving! Hail Queen of the Rosary of Fatima. Hail o clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.
Pope Francis:
O clement, o loving,
o sweet Virgin Mary,
Queen of the Rosary of Fatima!
Help us follow the example of
Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta,
and all those who give themselves
for the Gospel message.

Thus, we will travel all the roads,
we will be pilgrims on all paths,
we will tear down all walls
and overcome all boundaries,
going to all peripheries,
there revealing God’s justice and peace.
We will be, in the joy of the Gospel,
a church dressed in white,
in whitened robes washed in the blood of the Lamb
still pouring out in all the wars
that destroy the world in which we live.
And thus, we will be like you,
the image of the luminous pillar
that lights the paths of the world,
showing to all that God exists,
that God is here,
that God dwells in the midst of the poor
yesterday, today and for all eternity.

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Hail o clement, hail o loving! Hail Queen of the Rosary of Fatima. Hail o clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.
Pope Francis:
Hail, Mother of the Lord,
Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary of Fatima!
Blessed among all women,
you are the image of the church dressed in the Easter light,
you are the honor of our people,
you are the triumph over the mark of evil.

Prophecy of the Father’s merciful love,
teacher of the son’s Good News,
sign of the Holy Spirit’s burning fire,
teach us, in this valley of joys and sorrows,
the eternal truths
that the Father revealed to the little ones.
Show us the strength of your protective mantle.
In your immaculate heart,
be the refuge of sinners
and the path that leads to God.
United with my brothers and sisters
in faith, hope and love,
I give myself to you.

United with my brothers and sisters,
I consecrate myself to God,
O Virgin of the Rosary of Fatima.
And finally, wrapped in the light
that comes from your hands,
I will give glory to the Lord
for ever and ever.

Hail o clement, hail o loving! Hail Queen of the Rosary of Fatima. Hail o clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.