10 Simple But Effective Tips to Get Your Prayers Answered Very Fast

“Lord, show me how to be the wife I need to be,” I asked each moment frustration visited during my restless nights. Hubby had been diagnosed with diabetes. After the shock, I went to action. With the diligence of a loving, caring wife, I developed the perfect diet. I made sure I sent him links […]

“Lord, show me how to be the wife I need to be,” I asked each moment frustration visited during my restless nights.

Hubby had been diagnosed with diabetes. After the shock, I went to action. With the diligence of a loving, caring wife, I developed the perfect diet. I made sure I sent him links to videos that showed the best way to beat diabetes.

And to my chagrin, during my frantic dash to remedy the problem, hubby seemed relaxed, undisturbed in the least about his diagnosis.

So I did what every wise wife would do, I began to pray and to secure God’s assistance in this make-hubby-healthy again endeavor.

But God was silent. He wasn’t doing His part to transform my husband. To change his thinking and correct his eating habits. Or prompt him to exercise and at the very least, take his condition seriously.

The more I prayed, the more junk food hubby ate.

Sigh! I want him healthy, Lord. With visions of diabetic complications such as blindness, amputations, kidney failure, I prayed and prayed, yet his blood sugar levels remained high.

Then God put me on a diet of His truth, feeding my thinking with much-needed food for my own soul..

10 Reasons Your Prayers Aren’t being Answered

1. You’re dwelling on worry.

I was dwelling in the house of worry, I was abiding in the home of frustration and words of fear resided with me.

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John 15:7 “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

2. You need forgiveness… and to forgive.

I prayed, but was clueless about the prerequisite of forgiveness…or my need to forgive others. Gulp.

Mark 11:25 “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

3. You’re focused on the problem, not the Solution.

Focusing on the situation often distracted me from concentrating and meditating on God’s law, on His promises and instructions.

Proverbs 28:9 “If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.”



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