Say These Powerful Prayer for complicated situations

What do you do when you encounter a complicated situation? You can run and hide, but that probably won’t make things better. You could try to force everyone to accept your demands, but you’ll probably end up making things worse. You could be quiet and let anger and resentment build up inside, but sooner or later, you’ll explode.

When things get complicated, one of the biggest mistakes we can make is trying to figure it all out by ourselves. The other mistake is driving yourself crazy when things don’t make sense or turn out how you want.

The best thing to do is stop for a moment. Rewind and go back to some basic truths. Ask God to establish his order and peace in your heart. From that place you can begin to process the complexity of life.

It also helps to talk about it with someone. Make sure the person is trustworthy with a solid life testimony and experience. Don’t go to someone who you know will just agree with you about everything.

You can’t fix it all. You can’t control everything either. Worrying too much won’t change anything. Instead, go to God for guidance and understanding. No matter what happens, remember, you are a beloved child of God. From that place of strength and security, begin to  seek heavenly understanding.

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Oh heavenly Lord,

I’m facing a situation. It’s complicated and dense. I feel lost in an ocean of doubt. Do you see me Lord?

Stop my mind, oh Lord, from racing around trying to figure it all out. Let me build on the truth of your mercy and love. Here, may I gain understanding and confidence.

Set me free from any temptation of seeking control or results that fit my desires.

Instead, may I seek your will for myself and for others, even if it means I must accept things that hurt or confuse me.

Drive out the evil one, oh Lord, cast out any anger or resentment. Extend your mighty hand and grant me the peace of Christ which drives away all confusion.

Bring clarity to my soul, oh loving Lord.

I pray for this in Jesus name,





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