A Prayer to Jesus through Mary.. Say it NOW It is a Miracle

In God’s infinite wisdom, He decided to come into the world to save all of humanity in His Incarnation, but also through the generous “Yes” and collaboration of Mary. Mary is the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, and she is our Mother in the order of grace!

The saints, the true friends of God and our models and patterns to imitate, unanimously agree on the indispensable role that God has chosen in choosing Our Lady, Mary most holy, as a most sure means and instrument for our eternal salvation.  Why not follow in the footsteps of the saints and skyrocket in holiness?   By giving ourselves to Jesus through the hands and Immaculate Heart of Mary we will be travelling speedily on the highway to holiness which ends up in heaven—our eternal resting place!

Let us meditate upon what five of the saints have said in their effusive love for Mary and Jesus the Son of Mary; then we will present five concrete ways that we can live our consecration to Jesus through Mary, God’s masterpiece of creation! Behold the saints and their love and confidence in Mary!

  1. “We must look upon Mary as an accomplished model of every virtue and perfection that the Holy Spirit has fashioned in any simple creature. We will then be able to imitate her in the way suitable to each of us.” (St. Louis Grignion de Montfort)  Author of the Marian classic of consecration:  True Devotion to Mary.
  2. “When Mary became the Mother of God, true God and true Man, she also became our Mother. In his great mercy, Jesus wished to call us His brothers and sisters, and by this name He constituted us adopted children of Mary.” (St. John Bosco—founder of the Salesians and great lover of Our Lady Help of Christians.)
  3. “In danger, anguish or doubt think of Mary and call upon her. Following her, you will never lose your way. Praying to her, you will never sink into despair. Contemplating her, you will never go wrong.” (St. Bernard, saint, poet, writer, Doctor of the church and author of the famous Marian poem “Stella Maris”—Our Lady Star of the Sea.
  4. “Blessed are those who abandon themselves into our Lady’s hands. Their names are written in the Book of Life.” (St. Bonaventure—Franciscan, Doctor of the Church)
  5. “In His eagerness to show you mercy, God has given His Son as your Advocate. And then to make your confidence even stronger, He has given you another Advocate, who obtains through her prayers whatever she asks. Go to Mary, and you will see salvation.” (St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori—founder of the Redemptorist, prolific writer, author of one of the most famous Marian masterpieces—Glories of Mary, and Doctor of the Church.)
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Overflowing with immense love for Jesus and Mary, the saints cannot contain their sentiments of love, admiration and confidence in Mary’s presence and intercession. Devotion and love for Mary leads us directly into the Heart of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The last recorded words of Our Lady in Sacred Scripture were at the Wedding Feast of Cana:  “Do whatever He tells you.” (Jn. 2:5) Indeed, truly the best advice in the world!!!

Following we will offer five concrete ways that we can live out all the more fully our consecration to Jesus through the loving but extremely powerful presence of Mary, who is our life, our sweetness and our hope. (Prayer—the Hail Holy Queen).

1. Morning Consecration.

Upon rising from sleep the first gesture of our day should be to consecrate our whole person and being to the glory and honor of God through the intercession of Mary. Then a very important gesture is to always be wearing the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and to reverently kiss the Scapular. This “kiss” given to the Scapular clearly expresses our great love for Mary, the Mother of God. This will fill Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart of with immense joy! By kissing reverently the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel the Church grants a special indulgence—how important it is for the children to love Mother Mary.