To pray now Spirits well-loved, Guardian Angels … You, whom God, in his infinite mercy, allows to watch over men, be my protectors in the trials of my earthly life...
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If you have an emergency, do not hesitate … It works! Every time a believer approached Padre Pio to ask for help and spiritual advice for any need or urgency they...
25 secrets revealed by Jesus to Saint Faustina to fight against the devil Sister Faustina Kowalska recorded the instructions of Christ in her diary. In Krakow-Pradnik...
“Set my life in order, my God”. St. Thomas Aquinas’s Prayer for Wisdom Grant me, merciful God, that I desire with zeal what you approve, that you seek...
St. John Chrysostom taught the faithful to use this effective spiritual weapon. St. John Chrysostom was a Priest of the early Church recognized by the depth of preaching...
It is 6.5 meters deep, near a marine reserve in southern Brazil. An image of Our Lady found at the bottom of the sea has attracted the attention of divers in...
A beautiful response to the thirst for peace, comfort and beauty. In his Catholic Exchange column , Fr. Ed Broom, an Oblate priest of the Virgin Mary, gives an account...
The psalms are powerful prayers that express the deepest desires of our heart. One of the most appreciated and used books to pray of the whole Bible is the Psalter (the...
What does the Church say about it? Message from the reader: Dear Katrina, Should I abstain from sex during Lent? It is something that my wife and I discussed and wanted...
When cancer strikes, it can be a devastating blow not only physically, but also spiritually. It is a difficult cross to bear, one that God mysteriously allows in our...