If You Experience These Signs Then You Have a Powerful Spiritual Gift

Have you ever felt something strange within you? All humans have a sense of intuition or spiritual calling. The sad part is, most people do not know it. If you are watching this then you are part of the few who recognize their spiritual calling. use these six signs to guide your spiritual calling and […]

Have you ever felt something strange within you? All humans have a sense of intuition or spiritual calling. The sad part is, most people do not know it. If you are watching this then you are part of the few who recognize their spiritual calling. use these six signs to guide your spiritual calling and gifts

1. You regularly read into your dreams

Within 5-10 minutes of being awake, most people forget their dreams. If you vividly remember your dreams, then you are gifted. Our subconscious mind receives messages in our sleep. write down details of your dream when you wake up

2. Most of the visions you have usually come to pass

This gift could be interesting and terrifying at the same time. The visions occur in the form of thoughts. A vision could appear during a conversation or whiles working, etc.

3. You always visit the bathroom at 4 am

3 to 4 am is the time most people have their REM sleep. If you frequent the bathroom around this time, it is definitely not normal. This time is also known as the ‘holy hour’. Spirits may be trying to bond with you. You have to leave your bed to a peaceful place for inspiration

4. Nightmares keep you awake

Spiritual energies transform into nightmares when they cannot get through to us in a normal way. when you experience this, be bold and confront the energy and say ‘I am not scared of you, Tell me what you have to say’

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5. You are filled with empathy

This allows you to feel it when something bad is about to happen to someone very close to you. You also suddenly feel sad for no reason. Remember that these are not your emotions.They are emotions of people very close to you

6. You have a very strong intuition

Do not ignore your guts when it speaks to you. Your intuition could work through dreams and certain uneasiness. Its good to know and accept them. Pay attention to your body signals. These signals will help you make good judgments.




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  • I have experienced all six of the signs you posted. I have talked to a priest about my dreams and feelings. All my dreams have turned to reality. Hurricane Katrina. Felt my self drowning long before the hurricane developed. I was so scared. I could almost write a book about my dreams.❤️❣

  • Thank you I’m so sad lost don’t know what to do. Please pray 4 my daughter Sarah. She’s living with an active violent controlling Satan worshiper . She’s also got a child by him now . she is nothing of the good Christian child I raised by myself. That child is dead . something dark evil manipulative hateful possessed by levitation pan incubus python jezebel and more in her place now! Gods very silent over 4 years now . she hates me cz I won’t let that evil in my House, thus she won’t speak to me.

  • Thank you I’m so sad lost don’t know what to do. Please pray 4 my daughter Sarah. She’s living with an active violent controlling Satan worshiper . She’s also got a child by him now . she is nothing of the good Christian child I raised by myself. That child is dead . something dark evil manipulative hateful possessed by levitation pan incubus python jezebel and more in her place now! Gods very silent over 4 years now . she hates me cz I won’t let that evil in my House, thus she won’t speak to me.

  • I had a dream about Saint Teresa de Jesus, Avila. It was a dark moment, bad smell and some people was on risk, I said we must go there and help, at that time I was walking someone else did it and as much as we walked, situation change to light and clear day with a good smell, then a woman appeared, I asked is she Saint Teresa de Jesus, she responded, yes my dear I am indeed, and I want to tell you that you are not alone, because I am with you! Raining started while she was living the scene…I asked her, please do not leave me, let me bring my mother…she left. Next day I talked to my family about it and to a Father Aurelio, who stared said thanks masses at my request, and on his next trip to Spain, he brought me her books, rosary…of the saint. The good coincidence of my dream was, that it was on her birthday! March 28.