Do You Know This Powerful Novena To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Sixth day Preparatory Prayer: Oh! Generous heart of Jesus, it is in your power to make my heart entirely yours. Of myself I have nothing and I can do nothing, but you have given me a heart that can and will love you. Do therefore, O my Jesus, that henceforth your holy will be the […]

Sixth day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Generous heart of Jesus, it is in your power to make my heart entirely yours.

Of myself I have nothing and I can do nothing, but you have given me a heart that can and will love you.

Do therefore, O my Jesus, that henceforth your holy will be the sole guidance of all my thoughts, desires, and deeds.


The Heart of Jesus, rich in virtues.

The Heart of Christ is a heart adorned with all virtues, innocence, humility, strength, meekness, wisdom …

Just read the Gospel to discover the virtues and graces of your Divine Heart.

Let us try to have in our lives every day the same feelings that animate and enrich this divine Heart.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Recognized heart of Jesus, I have always shown the creatures recognized, whereas only with you I have been an ingrate.

Dear Jesus, I now want to love you above all things and more than myself, the rest of my life, I want to employ you solely in loving you, O supreme good of my soul.

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Make me know your holy will and I am ready for everything, with the help of your grace.


The Heart of Jesus, abyss of mercy.

It is enough to remember how Christ welcomed and treated sinners: the publicans, the paralytic, the Magdalene, the adulteress, the good thief, and so many others.

He himself said, “I came into this world to save sinners.”

This attitude of Christ inspires confidence and teaches us how to treat sinners.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Eighth day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Despised Heart of Jesus, abyss of mercy and love, do not allow that to me the pains are as if lost.

Remember, O my Jesus, from the tears and blood that you shed for my love and forgive me.

Make me die for myself, that I may live for you a fervent life in your holy love.


The Heart of Jesus, attractive to our hearts.

From the open side of Christ, on Calvary, spilled blood and water. Blood and water symbolize the Church and the Sacraments .

The Church is the normal path for Christ, the sacraments are channels that communicate the graces of Redemption.

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Christ continually attracts us to the Church and the Sacraments.

Do we appreciate enough the spiritual treasure we have in the Church and the sacraments?


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ninth day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Heart of Jesus, faithful to those whom you call your love, how many times, after having promised to be all yours, I denied you my love.

I acknowledge my ingratitude and sincerely penalize myself.

Ignite my poor heart in the fire of that love in which yours is burned by me. Oh! Mary, mother of beautiful love, help me to love your Son Jesus.

Meditation :

The Heart of Jesus, the pledge of eternal life.

Just as the human heart is the motor of our physical life, so charity is the motor of our supernatural and eternal life.

Those who live in Love can not condemn themselves, because Love is the life of all who are truly children of God, in Christ and in the Holy Spirit.

We are God’s heirs and Christ’s bondmen. Amen. Hallelujah.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair. By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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