The Most Powerful Prayer a Mother Can Pray for Her Children

This mothers prayer for her children is through the intersession of Mary the mother of Jesus. Mary was the most patient, most loving mother, who suffered most watching her child die. Although she was sinless, she was fully human and she felt every pain as a mother. Mary did not seem to do anything spectacular […]

This mothers prayer for her children is through the intersession of Mary the mother of Jesus. Mary was the most patient, most loving mother, who suffered most watching her child die. Although she was sinless, she was fully human and she felt every pain as a mother.

Mary did not seem to do anything spectacular in the eyes of the world. But the extra ordinary events in her life and her simple duties as a wife and a mother made her the most loving of mothers.

We Catholics believe that Mary the mother of Jesus is also ‘Our Heavenly Mother’. Therefore we have every right to ask her to intercede on behalf of us ‘Mothers’. Mary is the best protector for our children.

I say this mothers prayer daily for our children and I trust that Our Heavenly Mother looks after them. I am sure that you can put your children in her loving care.

A prayer for strong mothers in faith

My God, I offer you to my children;
You gave them to me, they belong to you forever;
I am educating you and I ask you
to keep them for your glory.

Lord, that selfishness, ambition, evil
do not divert you from the right path.
That they have the strength to act against evil
and that the motive of all their actions
is always and only good.

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There is so much evil in this world, Lord!
You know how we are weak
and how evil often fascinates us;
but You are with us
and I put my children under your protection.

Give them light, strength and joy on this earth, Lord,
so that they may live for you on this earth; and that in heaven,
all together, we can enjoy your company forever.





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  • Thank you I’m so sad lost don’t know what to do. Please pray 4 my daughter Sarah. She’s living with an active violent controlling Satan worshiper . She’s also got a child by him now . she is nothing of the good Christian child I raised by myself. That child is dead . something dark evil manipulative hateful possessed by levitation pan incubus python jezebel and more in her place now! Gods very silent over 4 years now . she hates me cz I won’t let that evil in my House, thus she won’t speak to me.

  • Just love her through it be there for her and just say no darling I’m here for you and be there for her because if you forget her and leave her and that’s evil to God doesn’t forget us and leave us so don’t leave her