Some Six (6) Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Protection You Can Pray

For the devout Christian, spiritual warfare is a fact of life, so praying prayers for protection is very important. When we pray these prayers we are asking God to step into our situation and protect us as we fight these spiritual battles. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some thoughts to steer you in the right direction.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12 ESV

1). Prayer For Family

Lord, you are so good. You are almighty and powerful and ruler overall. Thank you for your faithfulness in my life and for guiding me on the right path. Thank you for blessing me over and over, even when I don’t deserve it.

Today, I lift my family up to you for protection. As we battle each day against the influence of sin, help me to run to you for my strength. I know that alone my strength can never be enough.

So I ask you, please protect my family on these battlegrounds. Keep them safe and give me the strength to fight for them as well.

Help me never to lose sight of your plan. Help me to never give up. Help me to push on to finish the race. I pray that your good and perfect will would be done and that whatever happens, you would receive all the honor and glory. Amen.

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2). Prayer For Marriage

Lord, I am in awe of you. I am so grateful for the sacrifice you gave me so that I could be in a personal relationship with you. You are the king over everything you created and I rejoice in bing part of your kingdom. Thank you for that opportunity.

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Lord, today I lift my marriage up to you. Marriage is something you created. A covenant promise between man and woman. Please step in and protect mine. I want to maintain a healthy marriage relationship, and my strength alone is not enough. However, with your help, I can continue to stand against the devil and his schemes in my life.

Please protect this covenant Lord. Help me to treat my spouse with love and respect, and to fight for them in prayer daily. Help me to stand firm with endurance when sin or strife sweeps through our relationship.

In the midst of it all, help me to praise you in the storm. Be made strong as I am made weak. Amen.

3). Prayer For Non-Christians

Lord, you are my rock and my salvation. You the unshakable fortress that surrounds me. You are the alpha and omega, beginning and end. Thank you for being my savior. Thank you for sacrificing everything for me to save me from my sin.

I pray protection today over the non-Christians in my life. Their hearts are far from you and they are succumbing daily to the schemes of the evil one.

They don’t realize that their path leads to death. Protect them enough that they aren’t destroyed Lord, but not so much that they can’t realize something is missing.

Help me to be a light Lord. I want them all to know you in a deep and personal way. If there is any more for me to be doing for them, Lord, regardless of the cost, show me so that I might help and obey.

My desire is to see all come into the kingdom of God, and Lord I simply pray that you will continue to protect them until they can see who you truly are. Amen.

4). Prayer For Health

Lord, you were God before the beginning of time. You are sovereign over everything and I will praise you for your presence in my life. I am amazed by your love and mercy every day and every day I come before you to seek your face.

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Thank you for the mighty work you are doing in my life and help me to appreciate each step in the process.

Lord, today I pray for your protection over my health. I want to serve you with all that I have, yet I know that Satan seeks to undermine that ability.

Please protect me from physical, mental, and spiritual harm, so that I may continue to serve you in full capacity. If I should face trials in these areas, help me to rely on you for strength.

Help me to care properly for the temple in my body that I have been given so that I may glorify you with my body. And for those who do not, help me to guide them towards you. Protect us in this season, and help me to continually depend on you in every situation. Amen.

5). Prayer For Boundaries

Lord, we give thanks to you for your goodness, your steadfast love endures beyond all things. You are God almighty. Thank you for your blessings poured out over me and my family. You are holy and perfect. You alone are my God.

In this world, there are many distractions and temptations that bombard me daily. I am constantly surrounded by worldly things that are not of you.

Lord, please protect me from the lies that Satan would speak into me, trying to convince me to cross my boundaries. I want to remain true to your word and live a life that glorifies you.

Protect me from my own self Lord, and help me remember that I am no longer in bondage to sin. I have become free in Christ. Help me to never forget this but to rely on faith as my salvation, and to use that as the base of my boundaries. I desire to honor you in every way, help me to be that light in the world. Amen.

6). Prayer For Home

Lord, you are my God and I seek you with all that I have. I long to be with you in this desolate world. Your love is better than life itself. I will raise my hands in surrender to your name. Thank you for the way you have cared for me all the days of my life.

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I lift up my home to you today. Not as a building or a place full of stuff, but as the place where my family gathers together.

Protect my home and everyone who enters. Let it be a place to gather in your name and grow as disciples. Keep Satan’s lies from infiltrating this place and poisoning it with his deceit.

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Bless me and my family who live there and bless all who enter. Allow it to be a place for discipleship and for drawing close to you.

Bring those who don’t know you into my home so that they can hear the gospel, and give me the courage and boldness to explain it well. Allow my home to be a house of prayer. Amen.

Be Prepared

Spending time in spiritual warfare, praying for God’s protection over yourself and your family is very important. However, don’t forget the tools for battle that God has already given you. It can be tempting at times to become lazy and desire God to just take care of all the problems for us. However, we still need to be prepared for battle the best we can.

Ephesians 6 reminds us to put on the armor of God to help protect us from the schemes of the evil one. God ultimately has the victory, however, he gives us what we need to stand our ground, and draw on his strength and truth in the battle.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 

Ephesians 6:10-11 ESV




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