It is a powerful blessing that lasts the whole year. Each year around the feast of the Epiphany many parishes throughout the world participates in an annual blessing of...
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The final Mass of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, affectionately known as Padre Pio, was caught on video. It captures some of the last hours of his life, as he passed away early...
How Our Lady of Fatima made a special trip to help a favourite son who was thoroughly devoted to her Fatima messages. Most everyone knows of Our Lady of Fatima. Most...
A beautiful testimony I remember reading about a holy monk who was dying. The superior of the order went to visit him and said to him: “In the name of...
An image that is broken or damaged does not reach its full purpose Before punctuating what can be done with a sacred image that has broken, it is worth highlighting the...
Carrying it is always a good protection If iron, silver or gold, or of any alloy, the small ring that is placed on the fingers acquired a higher significance than it had...
“Come, Holy Spirit of God, arm me with Your power to protect me against the envious, who want to harm me and my family” Blessed are you when you slander...
It is very common to hear the faithful confuse themselves During Eucharistic adoration,, when you hear ” Thanks and praises be given at all times “, how do...
“I am a living fruit and witness of the intercessory power of Our Lady Aparecida,” said the priest Everyone knows that Father Reginaldo Manzotti is a great...
She left the journalists open-mouthed as she responded and challenged one of them. One of the most celebrated counsels of Mother Teresa of Calcutta is this: Be just a...